Churches of Christ

Churches of Christ are autonomous Christian congregations associated with one another through common beliefs and practices. They seek to base doctrine and practice on the Bible alone in order to be the church described in the New Testament. Churches of Christ teach that God saves and adds to the church those who hear the gospel, believe in Christ, repent of sin, confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and are baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:36-38, 47; Rom. 10:9-10).

Churches of Christ

Churches of Christ are autonomous Christian congregations associated with one another through common beliefs and practices. They seek to base doctrine and practice on the Bible alone in order to be the church described in the New Testament. Churches of Christ teach that God saves and adds to the church those who hear the gospel, believe in Christ, repent of sin, confess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and are baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:36-38, 47; Rom. 10:9-10).