Magnolia Bible College

Magnolia Bible College (abbrev. MBC) was a private Christian Bible college, founded in 1976, affiliated with the Churches of Christ. The founding church was the South Huntington Church of Christ, with an aim for training preachers and teachers for service within churches of Christ. The college was located in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA, and offered the B.A., the B.S., and the B.Th. degrees in Bible. The degrees awarded by MBC were available to both men and women, regardless of religious affiliation.

Magnolia Bible College

Magnolia Bible College (abbrev. MBC) was a private Christian Bible college, founded in 1976, affiliated with the Churches of Christ. The founding church was the South Huntington Church of Christ, with an aim for training preachers and teachers for service within churches of Christ. The college was located in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA, and offered the B.A., the B.S., and the B.Th. degrees in Bible. The degrees awarded by MBC were available to both men and women, regardless of religious affiliation.