Lombard language

Lombard (lumbaart, or lengua lumbarda, in Milanese classical ortography "lengua lombarda") is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden). The two main varieties (Western Lombard dialect and Eastern Lombard dialect) have significant differences and are not always mutually intelligible.

Lombard language

Lombard (lumbaart, or lengua lumbarda, in Milanese classical ortography "lengua lombarda") is a member of the Cisalpine or Gallo-Italic group within the Romance languages. It is spoken natively in Northern Italy (most of Lombardy and some areas of neighbouring regions, notably the eastern side of Piedmont) and Southern Switzerland (Ticino and Graubünden). The two main varieties (Western Lombard dialect and Eastern Lombard dialect) have significant differences and are not always mutually intelligible.