
Vetëvendosje (Albanian for self-determination) is a radical nationalist political movement in Kosovo, which opposes foreign involvement in internal affairs of the country and campaigns for the sovereignty exercised by the people instead, as part of the right of self-determination. The movement widely bases its philosophy on the works of Ukshin Hoti. It presents the most firm and continuously critical opposition to the government while focusing their programs along three main axes: developmental state, meritocracy, and welfare state.


Vetëvendosje (Albanian for self-determination) is a radical nationalist political movement in Kosovo, which opposes foreign involvement in internal affairs of the country and campaigns for the sovereignty exercised by the people instead, as part of the right of self-determination. The movement widely bases its philosophy on the works of Ukshin Hoti. It presents the most firm and continuously critical opposition to the government while focusing their programs along three main axes: developmental state, meritocracy, and welfare state.