1st Regional Legislature (Azores)

1st Regional Legislature (21 July 1976 to 20 October 1980), was the first session of the Regional Assembly and Government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The constitution of the 1st Regional Legislature was written on 27 June 1976. It was only possible since the new Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, approved on 2 April 1976, explicitly allowed for the creation of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, and those governmental institutions necessary to operate the bureaucracy. One of these institutions was the Regional Assembly, which, at the time, was responsible for establishing the government of the Autonomous Region, and included: President Álvaro Monjardino (PSD), Vice-President Alberto Madruga da Costa (PSD), Vice-President Angelino de Almeida Páscoa (PS), and secretaries J

1st Regional Legislature (Azores)

1st Regional Legislature (21 July 1976 to 20 October 1980), was the first session of the Regional Assembly and Government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. The constitution of the 1st Regional Legislature was written on 27 June 1976. It was only possible since the new Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, approved on 2 April 1976, explicitly allowed for the creation of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, and those governmental institutions necessary to operate the bureaucracy. One of these institutions was the Regional Assembly, which, at the time, was responsible for establishing the government of the Autonomous Region, and included: President Álvaro Monjardino (PSD), Vice-President Alberto Madruga da Costa (PSD), Vice-President Angelino de Almeida Páscoa (PS), and secretaries J