2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany

Over 1,200 women were reportedly sexually assaulted during the 2015–16 public New Year's Eve's celebrations in Germany, in most cases by men of non-European origin. 24 women reported being raped. In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men. The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night.

2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany

Over 1,200 women were reportedly sexually assaulted during the 2015–16 public New Year's Eve's celebrations in Germany, in most cases by men of non-European origin. 24 women reported being raped. In many of the incidents, women in public places had been surrounded and assaulted by groups of men. The Bundeskriminalamt (German Federal Criminal Police) confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that New Year's night.