Central European Time

Central European Time (CET) is a standard time which is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).The time offset from UTC can be written as UTC+01:00.It is used in most parts of Europe and in a few North African countries.CET is also known as Middle European Time (MET, German: MEZ) and by colloquial names such as Berlin Time, Brussels Time, Madrid Time, Paris Time, Rome Time, and Warsaw Time. The 15th meridian east is the central axis for UTC+01:00 in the world system of time zones.

Central European Time

Central European Time (CET) is a standard time which is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).The time offset from UTC can be written as UTC+01:00.It is used in most parts of Europe and in a few North African countries.CET is also known as Middle European Time (MET, German: MEZ) and by colloquial names such as Berlin Time, Brussels Time, Madrid Time, Paris Time, Rome Time, and Warsaw Time. The 15th meridian east is the central axis for UTC+01:00 in the world system of time zones.