
Anti-modernization (also known as anti-modernisation or retraditionalisation), is "a societal and cultural reaction to the unsolved 'reality problems' in the modernization model". This mostly refers to an abstract concept or mode of thought characterized by supposedly "non-western," or "less privileged" nations and/or people in those nations antipathy or opposition to movements that attempt to have those nations become more "western." This could include disfavor of movements attempting to spread democracy, capitalism, or certain themes of social life present in more "western" nations or cultures.


Anti-modernization (also known as anti-modernisation or retraditionalisation), is "a societal and cultural reaction to the unsolved 'reality problems' in the modernization model". This mostly refers to an abstract concept or mode of thought characterized by supposedly "non-western," or "less privileged" nations and/or people in those nations antipathy or opposition to movements that attempt to have those nations become more "western." This could include disfavor of movements attempting to spread democracy, capitalism, or certain themes of social life present in more "western" nations or cultures.