Antisemitism in Islam

Antisemitism in Islam refers to the Islamic scriptural and theological teachings against Jews and Judaism, and the treatment and persecution of Jews in the Muslim world. With the beginning of Islam in the 7th century and its rapid spread over the Arabian peninsula and beyond, Jews along with many other peoples became subject to the rule of Islamic states. The quality of the rule varied considerably in different periods, as did the attitudes of the rulers, the government officials, the clergy, and the general population towards various subject peoples from time to time, which was reflected in their treatment of these subjects.

Antisemitism in Islam

Antisemitism in Islam refers to the Islamic scriptural and theological teachings against Jews and Judaism, and the treatment and persecution of Jews in the Muslim world. With the beginning of Islam in the 7th century and its rapid spread over the Arabian peninsula and beyond, Jews along with many other peoples became subject to the rule of Islamic states. The quality of the rule varied considerably in different periods, as did the attitudes of the rulers, the government officials, the clergy, and the general population towards various subject peoples from time to time, which was reflected in their treatment of these subjects.