Arthur Barbosa

Artur Ernesto Teixeira de Vasconcelos Barbosa (6 March 1908 – 5 October 1995) was an artist best known for his distinctive cover illustrations for Georgette Heyer and George MacDonald Fraser's The Flashman Papers novels, which he produced for 17 and 25 years respectively. Although always anglicising his first name, he disliked modern familiarity and preferred being known as Barbosa.

Arthur Barbosa

Artur Ernesto Teixeira de Vasconcelos Barbosa (6 March 1908 – 5 October 1995) was an artist best known for his distinctive cover illustrations for Georgette Heyer and George MacDonald Fraser's The Flashman Papers novels, which he produced for 17 and 25 years respectively. Although always anglicising his first name, he disliked modern familiarity and preferred being known as Barbosa.