Asian Latin Americans

Asian Latin Americans or Latinasians, are Latin Americans of full or partial Asian descent or Asians of full or partial Latin descent. The term typically refers to those of East Asian or Southeast Asian background. West Asians are usually excluded, as are South Asians in certain countries. Asian Latin Americans have a centuries-long history in the region, starting with Filipinos in the 16th century. The peak of Asian immigration occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries, however. There are currently more than four million Asian Latin Americans, nearly 1% of Latin America's population. Chinese and Japanese are the group's largest ancestries; other major ones include Indians, Koreans and Filipinos. Brazil is home to the largest population of Asian Latin Americans, at some 2.2 million. The high

Asian Latin Americans

Asian Latin Americans or Latinasians, are Latin Americans of full or partial Asian descent or Asians of full or partial Latin descent. The term typically refers to those of East Asian or Southeast Asian background. West Asians are usually excluded, as are South Asians in certain countries. Asian Latin Americans have a centuries-long history in the region, starting with Filipinos in the 16th century. The peak of Asian immigration occurred in the 19th and 20th centuries, however. There are currently more than four million Asian Latin Americans, nearly 1% of Latin America's population. Chinese and Japanese are the group's largest ancestries; other major ones include Indians, Koreans and Filipinos. Brazil is home to the largest population of Asian Latin Americans, at some 2.2 million. The high