Automotive Products

Automotive Products, commonly abbreviated to AP, was an automotive industry components company set up in 1920 by Edward Boughton, Willie Emmott and Denis Brock, to import and sell American-made components to service the fleet of ex-military trucks left behind in Europe after World War I. The company became the UK's leading manufacturer and supplier of clutches and braking, and was dominant in the market until the end of the 1970s. The business was bought by BBA (British Belting and Asbestos) in 1986, and sold on to a management consortium in 1995.

Automotive Products

Automotive Products, commonly abbreviated to AP, was an automotive industry components company set up in 1920 by Edward Boughton, Willie Emmott and Denis Brock, to import and sell American-made components to service the fleet of ex-military trucks left behind in Europe after World War I. The company became the UK's leading manufacturer and supplier of clutches and braking, and was dominant in the market until the end of the 1970s. The business was bought by BBA (British Belting and Asbestos) in 1986, and sold on to a management consortium in 1995.