Automotive industry in Brazil

The Brazilian automotive industry competed with other Latin American ones (Mexico) comparably until 1960, then grew substantially. Near the end of the 1970s new capacities were built by the United States and Germany. In addition to available and annual production, which exceeded one million and provided world's 10th place for country. After some decrease near 1990, the new and more strong growth by help of same foreign players plus Japan and France allowed Brazil to beat such old auto makers as Belgium, United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Russia, Spain, France and annual production exceeded 3,7 million vehicles in 2013 seventh largest in the World, although they have fallen substantially more recently.

Automotive industry in Brazil

The Brazilian automotive industry competed with other Latin American ones (Mexico) comparably until 1960, then grew substantially. Near the end of the 1970s new capacities were built by the United States and Germany. In addition to available and annual production, which exceeded one million and provided world's 10th place for country. After some decrease near 1990, the new and more strong growth by help of same foreign players plus Japan and France allowed Brazil to beat such old auto makers as Belgium, United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Russia, Spain, France and annual production exceeded 3,7 million vehicles in 2013 seventh largest in the World, although they have fallen substantially more recently.