Bantenese people

The Bantenese (Sundanese: ᮅᮛᮀ ᮘᮃᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪, Urang Banten or Urang Sunda Banten) are an ethnic group native to Banten Province on the island of Java, Indonesia. The area of Banten province corresponds more or less with the area of the former Banten Sultanate, a Banten nation state that precedes Indonesia. In his book "The Sultanate of Banten", Guillot Claude writes on page 35: “These estates, owned by the Bantenese of Chinese origin, were concentrated around the village of Kelapadua.” Most of Bantenese are Sunni Muslim.

Bantenese people

The Bantenese (Sundanese: ᮅᮛᮀ ᮘᮃᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪, Urang Banten or Urang Sunda Banten) are an ethnic group native to Banten Province on the island of Java, Indonesia. The area of Banten province corresponds more or less with the area of the former Banten Sultanate, a Banten nation state that precedes Indonesia. In his book "The Sultanate of Banten", Guillot Claude writes on page 35: “These estates, owned by the Bantenese of Chinese origin, were concentrated around the village of Kelapadua.” Most of Bantenese are Sunni Muslim.