Batallón de Voluntarios Rebajados de Buenos Aires

Batallón de Voluntarios Rebajados de Buenos Aires was a 19th-century Argentine military unit formed mainly with veterans of the Brazilian War and the expeditionaries to the Desert of 1833 and 1834 (Desert Campaign (1833–34)). It was a special unit of the Federal Party of active participation during the civil war between federales and unitarios. It was one of the military units sent from Buenos Aires to serve during the Siege of Montevideo. Some 360 members of 3rd Escuedrón of the Batallón de Rebajados took part in the Battle of Quebracho Herrado against the Unitarian troops of Juan Lavalle.

Batallón de Voluntarios Rebajados de Buenos Aires

Batallón de Voluntarios Rebajados de Buenos Aires was a 19th-century Argentine military unit formed mainly with veterans of the Brazilian War and the expeditionaries to the Desert of 1833 and 1834 (Desert Campaign (1833–34)). It was a special unit of the Federal Party of active participation during the civil war between federales and unitarios. It was one of the military units sent from Buenos Aires to serve during the Siege of Montevideo. Some 360 members of 3rd Escuedrón of the Batallón de Rebajados took part in the Battle of Quebracho Herrado against the Unitarian troops of Juan Lavalle.