Calvos de Randín

Calvos de Randín is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of the north-west Spain. It is located to the very south of the province. It consists of the following parishes: Calvos (Santiago); Castelaus (San Martiño); Feás (San Miguel); Golpellás (San Xoán); Lobás (San Vicente); Randín (San Xoán); Rioseco (Santa Mariña); Rubiás de los Mixtos; and Vila (Santa María)

Calvos de Randín

Calvos de Randín is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of the north-west Spain. It is located to the very south of the province. It consists of the following parishes: Calvos (Santiago); Castelaus (San Martiño); Feás (San Miguel); Golpellás (San Xoán); Lobás (San Vicente); Randín (San Xoán); Rioseco (Santa Mariña); Rubiás de los Mixtos; and Vila (Santa María)