Cha Cha for Twins

Cha Cha for Twins (Chinese: 寶米恰恰; Bao mi qia qia) is a 2012 Taiwanese romantic comedy film directed by Yang Yi-chien and Jim Wang. The story involves a pair of identical twin sisters at age 17. Hormones have begun to kick in, and they are starting to have boy troubles. However, one of the boys that they date can't even tell them apart.

Cha Cha for Twins

Cha Cha for Twins (Chinese: 寶米恰恰; Bao mi qia qia) is a 2012 Taiwanese romantic comedy film directed by Yang Yi-chien and Jim Wang. The story involves a pair of identical twin sisters at age 17. Hormones have begun to kick in, and they are starting to have boy troubles. However, one of the boys that they date can't even tell them apart.