Dámasa Cabezón

Dámasa Cabezón (1792 – 17 March 1861) was an Argentine-Chilean educator and women's education pioneer in 19th-century South America. A daughter of the Spanish educator José León Cabezón, she founded educational institutes for girls in Santiago de Chile (1838) and La Paz, Bolivia (1845). She has been credited with establishing the first generation of secular schools for girls in Chile.

Dámasa Cabezón

Dámasa Cabezón (1792 – 17 March 1861) was an Argentine-Chilean educator and women's education pioneer in 19th-century South America. A daughter of the Spanish educator José León Cabezón, she founded educational institutes for girls in Santiago de Chile (1838) and La Paz, Bolivia (1845). She has been credited with establishing the first generation of secular schools for girls in Chile.