Modesta Sanginés Uriarte

Modesta Sanginés Uriarte (26 February 1832 – 5 February 1887) was one of the principal composers in 19th century Bolivia. Writing over fifty compositions, her works were published in 2015. In addition to composing, Sanginés worked as a journalist writing articles to benefit women and published legends of her native country. Her philanthropic works provided social services for the elderly, orphans and poor, building a hospital wing to care for those who were unable to provide for themselves. She also used her musical talents to raise funds to assist the wounded and prisoners of war during the war between Bolivia, Chile and Peru over control of the Pacific coast of South America.

Modesta Sanginés Uriarte

Modesta Sanginés Uriarte (26 February 1832 – 5 February 1887) was one of the principal composers in 19th century Bolivia. Writing over fifty compositions, her works were published in 2015. In addition to composing, Sanginés worked as a journalist writing articles to benefit women and published legends of her native country. Her philanthropic works provided social services for the elderly, orphans and poor, building a hospital wing to care for those who were unable to provide for themselves. She also used her musical talents to raise funds to assist the wounded and prisoners of war during the war between Bolivia, Chile and Peru over control of the Pacific coast of South America.