
Dhṛti or Dhriti or Dhruti (Sanskrit: धृति), one of the Yamas, means to 'act with determination' (Bhagavad Gita Sl. XVIII.26), 'patience' (Srimad Bhagavatam Sl. V.v.10-13), 'firmness' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya Sl. XXIV.11), and refers to 'perseverance' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya Sl. XXIV.174), 'wearing regularly' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya XXIV.333) and to one of the eleven Rudranis (Srimad Bhagavatam Sl.III.xii.13). There is no correct equivalent English word for Dhrti which is derived from dhr- meaning 'to bear'. Dhrti meaning 'fortitude' and 'determination' is defined as the subtle faculty in man that makes him strive continuously towards a goal. It provides courage, enthusiasm and perseverance to face and overcome all odds and obstacles.


Dhṛti or Dhriti or Dhruti (Sanskrit: धृति), one of the Yamas, means to 'act with determination' (Bhagavad Gita Sl. XVIII.26), 'patience' (Srimad Bhagavatam Sl. V.v.10-13), 'firmness' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya Sl. XXIV.11), and refers to 'perseverance' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya Sl. XXIV.174), 'wearing regularly' (Caitanyacaritamrita Madhya XXIV.333) and to one of the eleven Rudranis (Srimad Bhagavatam Sl.III.xii.13). There is no correct equivalent English word for Dhrti which is derived from dhr- meaning 'to bear'. Dhrti meaning 'fortitude' and 'determination' is defined as the subtle faculty in man that makes him strive continuously towards a goal. It provides courage, enthusiasm and perseverance to face and overcome all odds and obstacles.