Diet in Hinduism

Diet in Hinduism varies with its diverse traditions. The ancient and medieval Hindu texts recommend diet which is easy to digest and does not involve violence towards animals. Many Hindus follow a Lacto-vegetarian diet that they believe is in sync with nature, compassionate, respectful of other life forms. Hindu mendicants (sannyasin) avoid preparing their own food, relying either on alms or harvesting seeds and fruits from forests, as they believe this minimizes the likely harm to other life forms and nature.

Diet in Hinduism

Diet in Hinduism varies with its diverse traditions. The ancient and medieval Hindu texts recommend diet which is easy to digest and does not involve violence towards animals. Many Hindus follow a Lacto-vegetarian diet that they believe is in sync with nature, compassionate, respectful of other life forms. Hindu mendicants (sannyasin) avoid preparing their own food, relying either on alms or harvesting seeds and fruits from forests, as they believe this minimizes the likely harm to other life forms and nature.