Emanuel Lousada

Emanuel Lousada (26 December 1783—14 December 1854) was a London-born Jewish merchant, slave plantation owner and public office holder with interests in Jamaica and Barbados. He was the High Sheriff of Devon from 1842 until 1843, making him the first Jew to hold the title in a county outside of the Sheriff of London, which had been held first by David Salomons in 1835. Lousada was associated with Peak House, Sidmouth. Lousada owned more than 400 African slaves on his sugarcane plantations in the British West Indies at the time of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. He died a wealthy man, leaving £100,000 in his will (worth £9.56 million in 2021).

Emanuel Lousada

Emanuel Lousada (26 December 1783—14 December 1854) was a London-born Jewish merchant, slave plantation owner and public office holder with interests in Jamaica and Barbados. He was the High Sheriff of Devon from 1842 until 1843, making him the first Jew to hold the title in a county outside of the Sheriff of London, which had been held first by David Salomons in 1835. Lousada was associated with Peak House, Sidmouth. Lousada owned more than 400 African slaves on his sugarcane plantations in the British West Indies at the time of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833. He died a wealthy man, leaving £100,000 in his will (worth £9.56 million in 2021).