French ship Rivoli (1810)

Rivoli was a Téméraire-class ship of the line of the French Navy. Rivoli was built in Venice, whose harbour was too shallow for a 74-gun to exit. To allow her to depart, she was fitted with seacamels. On her maiden journey, under Jean-Baptiste Barré, the British 74-gun third-rate HMS Victorious intercepted her on 22 February 1812. Her crew was inexperienced, and in the ensuing Battle of Pirano, the British captured Rivoli after some 400 men of her crew of over 800 were killed or wounded.

French ship Rivoli (1810)

Rivoli was a Téméraire-class ship of the line of the French Navy. Rivoli was built in Venice, whose harbour was too shallow for a 74-gun to exit. To allow her to depart, she was fitted with seacamels. On her maiden journey, under Jean-Baptiste Barré, the British 74-gun third-rate HMS Victorious intercepted her on 22 February 1812. Her crew was inexperienced, and in the ensuing Battle of Pirano, the British captured Rivoli after some 400 men of her crew of over 800 were killed or wounded.