Gender star

The gender star (German: Gendersternchen) is a nonstandard typographic style used by some authors in gender neutral language in German. It is formed by placing an asterisk after the stem and appending the feminine plural suffix "-innen". For example, Fahrer ([male] driver, singular & plural) becomes Fahrer*innen (drivers). The gender star makes it possible to refer to all genders while also including non-binary people.

Gender star

The gender star (German: Gendersternchen) is a nonstandard typographic style used by some authors in gender neutral language in German. It is formed by placing an asterisk after the stem and appending the feminine plural suffix "-innen". For example, Fahrer ([male] driver, singular & plural) becomes Fahrer*innen (drivers). The gender star makes it possible to refer to all genders while also including non-binary people.