Gran Caffé Doney

Gran Caffé Doney or Doney's was a cafeteria in Florence established at the end of the 19th century. It was originally located in the Palazzina Reale in the Cascine Park (19th century), then moved on Via Tornabuoni, near the British Consulate. The Doney was favoured by aristocracy and upper middle-class, particularly by British citizens living in Florence, such as the The Scorpioni. When Benito Mussolini attacked Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), the British expressed their public disapproval. This led to some outbreaks of Fascist violence at the Gran Caffé Doney in 1935–36.

Gran Caffé Doney

Gran Caffé Doney or Doney's was a cafeteria in Florence established at the end of the 19th century. It was originally located in the Palazzina Reale in the Cascine Park (19th century), then moved on Via Tornabuoni, near the British Consulate. The Doney was favoured by aristocracy and upper middle-class, particularly by British citizens living in Florence, such as the The Scorpioni. When Benito Mussolini attacked Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), the British expressed their public disapproval. This led to some outbreaks of Fascist violence at the Gran Caffé Doney in 1935–36.