
HSL-Oost (Dutch: Hogesnelheidslijn-Oost, English: High-Speed Line East) is the name of the now-cancelled high-speed railway line from Amsterdam to Germany via the Dutch cities of Utrecht and Arnhem. The plan for HSL-Oost was approved in 1989. The project was cancelled by Transport Minister Tineke Netelenbos in 2001, as it was deemed unprofitable: the gain in travel time and the expected amount of travellers was insufficient to justify the investment of 4–7 billion euros. The decision was influenced by other international high-speed rail construction projects with high and unexpected costs and unforeseen complexities.


HSL-Oost (Dutch: Hogesnelheidslijn-Oost, English: High-Speed Line East) is the name of the now-cancelled high-speed railway line from Amsterdam to Germany via the Dutch cities of Utrecht and Arnhem. The plan for HSL-Oost was approved in 1989. The project was cancelled by Transport Minister Tineke Netelenbos in 2001, as it was deemed unprofitable: the gain in travel time and the expected amount of travellers was insufficient to justify the investment of 4–7 billion euros. The decision was influenced by other international high-speed rail construction projects with high and unexpected costs and unforeseen complexities.