Historic premillennialism

Historic premillennialism is the designation made by premillennialists, now also known as post-tribulational premillennialism. The doctrine is called "historic" because many early church fathers appear to have held it, including Ireneaus, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, and Papias. Post-tribulational premillennialism is the Christian eschatological view that the second coming of Jesus Christ will occur prior to a thousand-year reign of the saints but subsequent to the great apostasy (and to any tribulation).

Historic premillennialism

Historic premillennialism is the designation made by premillennialists, now also known as post-tribulational premillennialism. The doctrine is called "historic" because many early church fathers appear to have held it, including Ireneaus, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, and Papias. Post-tribulational premillennialism is the Christian eschatological view that the second coming of Jesus Christ will occur prior to a thousand-year reign of the saints but subsequent to the great apostasy (and to any tribulation).