IKCO EF engines

IKCO EF engines are a family of four-cylinder engines. The EF7 series are designed jointly by Iran Khodro Powertrain Company (IPCO) and F.E.V GmbH of Germany. The other models will be designed by IPCO itself. IPCO is the powertrain designing & producing company of Iranian car manufacturer Iran Khodro (IKCO). IKCO aims to supply 800,000 powertrains by 2010. The first phase of IKCO EF Engines project (EF7 Dual-Fuel) investments were about 80 million US$.

IKCO EF engines

IKCO EF engines are a family of four-cylinder engines. The EF7 series are designed jointly by Iran Khodro Powertrain Company (IPCO) and F.E.V GmbH of Germany. The other models will be designed by IPCO itself. IPCO is the powertrain designing & producing company of Iranian car manufacturer Iran Khodro (IKCO). IKCO aims to supply 800,000 powertrains by 2010. The first phase of IKCO EF Engines project (EF7 Dual-Fuel) investments were about 80 million US$.