Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers

The Mexican Civil Service Social Security and Services Institute (Spanish: Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, or ISSSTE) is a federal government organization in Mexico that administers part of Mexico's health care and social security systems, and provides assistance in cases of disability, old age, early retirement, and death (or IVCM, for invalidez, vejez, cesantía en edad avanzada, y muerte) to federal workers. Unlike the Mexican Social Security Institute (or IMSS), which covers workers in the private sector, the ISSSTE is charged with providing benefits for federal government workers only. Together with the IMSS, the ISSSTE provides health coverage for between 55 and 60 percent of the population of Mexico.

Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers

The Mexican Civil Service Social Security and Services Institute (Spanish: Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, or ISSSTE) is a federal government organization in Mexico that administers part of Mexico's health care and social security systems, and provides assistance in cases of disability, old age, early retirement, and death (or IVCM, for invalidez, vejez, cesantía en edad avanzada, y muerte) to federal workers. Unlike the Mexican Social Security Institute (or IMSS), which covers workers in the private sector, the ISSSTE is charged with providing benefits for federal government workers only. Together with the IMSS, the ISSSTE provides health coverage for between 55 and 60 percent of the population of Mexico.