Jan Gerard Waldorp

Jan Gerard Waldorp (1740–1808) was a Dutch artist and museum curator. He received all paying visitors to the Nationale Kunst-Galerij in the Hague (1800–1805), one of the forerunners of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Jan Gerard Waldorp was a pupil of Anthony Elliger and Jan Maurits Quinkhard. He was active in Amsterdam during the years 1758–1767 and then moved to Haarlem, where he married Elisabeth van der Horst and was in the board of the Stadstekenacademie. In 1779 he moved back to Amsterdam.

Jan Gerard Waldorp

Jan Gerard Waldorp (1740–1808) was a Dutch artist and museum curator. He received all paying visitors to the Nationale Kunst-Galerij in the Hague (1800–1805), one of the forerunners of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Jan Gerard Waldorp was a pupil of Anthony Elliger and Jan Maurits Quinkhard. He was active in Amsterdam during the years 1758–1767 and then moved to Haarlem, where he married Elisabeth van der Horst and was in the board of the Stadstekenacademie. In 1779 he moved back to Amsterdam.