Jewish Buddhist

A Jewish Buddhist (or JewBu, a term first brought into wide circulation with the publication of The Jew in the Lotus (1994) by Rodger Kamenetz.) is a person with a Jewish background who practices forms of Dhyanam Buddhist meditation, chanting or spirituality. When the individual practices a particular religion, it may be both Judaism and Buddhism. However, their ethnic designation is often Jewish while the individual's main religious practice is Buddhism.

Jewish Buddhist

A Jewish Buddhist (or JewBu, a term first brought into wide circulation with the publication of The Jew in the Lotus (1994) by Rodger Kamenetz.) is a person with a Jewish background who practices forms of Dhyanam Buddhist meditation, chanting or spirituality. When the individual practices a particular religion, it may be both Judaism and Buddhism. However, their ethnic designation is often Jewish while the individual's main religious practice is Buddhism.