Kaštel Stari

Kaštel Stari is a village within the administrative area of Kaštela, in Dalmatia, Croatia. Its name means Old Castle, this came from a nobleman from Trogir Koriolan Cipiko, writer, humanist and military leader who built a mansion in 1476 which it is believed led to the name Kastel Stari. The main local employment comes from Tourism, the area is also popular with visitors from Split and the village is within a 20-minute drive of Split airport. The village is also about 20 minutes from Trogir by car and in the high season a boat can also take you to Trogir.

Kaštel Stari

Kaštel Stari is a village within the administrative area of Kaštela, in Dalmatia, Croatia. Its name means Old Castle, this came from a nobleman from Trogir Koriolan Cipiko, writer, humanist and military leader who built a mansion in 1476 which it is believed led to the name Kastel Stari. The main local employment comes from Tourism, the area is also popular with visitors from Split and the village is within a 20-minute drive of Split airport. The village is also about 20 minutes from Trogir by car and in the high season a boat can also take you to Trogir.