Partai untuk Kasih, Kebebasan dan Keberagaman

The Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity or The Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party (Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit, PNVD) is a Dutch political party with no representation in parliament, and only two known members. It is commonly known as "pedopartij" ("pedo party") in the media, due to its advocacy for legalization of child pornography and the lowering of the age of consent to age 12. PNVD was originally founded on 31 May 2006 by three self-described pedophiles. Its motto is "sapere aude" ("Have courage to use your own reason"). PNVD has not participated in any election. In 2006, it did not receive the 30 signatures from each of the 19 Dutch electoral regions it would need to get on the ballot for the 2006 elections. On March 14, 2010, the party was dis

Partai untuk Kasih, Kebebasan dan Keberagaman

The Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom, and Diversity or The Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party (Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit, PNVD) is a Dutch political party with no representation in parliament, and only two known members. It is commonly known as "pedopartij" ("pedo party") in the media, due to its advocacy for legalization of child pornography and the lowering of the age of consent to age 12. PNVD was originally founded on 31 May 2006 by three self-described pedophiles. Its motto is "sapere aude" ("Have courage to use your own reason"). PNVD has not participated in any election. In 2006, it did not receive the 30 signatures from each of the 19 Dutch electoral regions it would need to get on the ballot for the 2006 elections. On March 14, 2010, the party was dis