Pilot (Prison Break)

"Pilot" is the pilot episode and series premiere of the American television series Prison Break, which premiered on August 29, 2005 in the United States. That night, it was aired as the first of a two-part pilot special, along with "Allen", which was broadcast straight after this episode. The episode was directed by series producer Brett Ratner, noted director of such works as Rush Hour and Red Dragon, and written by series creator and producer Paul Scheuring. The episode was given numerous positive reviews in not just the US, but from the majority of the rest of world, reaching record ratings in various countries.

Pilot (Prison Break)

"Pilot" is the pilot episode and series premiere of the American television series Prison Break, which premiered on August 29, 2005 in the United States. That night, it was aired as the first of a two-part pilot special, along with "Allen", which was broadcast straight after this episode. The episode was directed by series producer Brett Ratner, noted director of such works as Rush Hour and Red Dragon, and written by series creator and producer Paul Scheuring. The episode was given numerous positive reviews in not just the US, but from the majority of the rest of world, reaching record ratings in various countries.