Saltoro Valley

Saltoro valley is Pakistan's highest valley. It is part of Baltistan, and is held by Pakistan. Along with Saltoro Kangri peak and the Saltoro River, it is near the Saltoro Mountain Range. It lies near world's highest battleground Siachen, a territory disputed by India and Pakistan. The Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL) between India held and Pakistan held area runs through this range where higher peaks and passes of disputed Siachen area are held by India and Pakistan occupies the lower peaks and valleys. In 1984, India captured most of the disputed Siachen area in the Operation Meghdoot. In April 1986, Pakistan launched an assault in the area, gaining control of a high point in the area located south of Bilafond La, and established a military post on the peak which was named "Quaid Post"

Saltoro Valley

Saltoro valley is Pakistan's highest valley. It is part of Baltistan, and is held by Pakistan. Along with Saltoro Kangri peak and the Saltoro River, it is near the Saltoro Mountain Range. It lies near world's highest battleground Siachen, a territory disputed by India and Pakistan. The Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL) between India held and Pakistan held area runs through this range where higher peaks and passes of disputed Siachen area are held by India and Pakistan occupies the lower peaks and valleys. In 1984, India captured most of the disputed Siachen area in the Operation Meghdoot. In April 1986, Pakistan launched an assault in the area, gaining control of a high point in the area located south of Bilafond La, and established a military post on the peak which was named "Quaid Post"