Sky Bandits (1940 film)

Sky Bandits, also known as Renfrew of the Royal Mounted in Sky Bandits, is a 1940 American film directed by Ralph Staub and released by Monogram Pictures, starring James Newill, Louise Stanley, Dewey Robinson and . The film is a remake of the film Ghost Patrol (1936) with a musical/action formula, similar to the format of the "singing cowboy" films of the era.

Sky Bandits (1940 film)

Sky Bandits, also known as Renfrew of the Royal Mounted in Sky Bandits, is a 1940 American film directed by Ralph Staub and released by Monogram Pictures, starring James Newill, Louise Stanley, Dewey Robinson and . The film is a remake of the film Ghost Patrol (1936) with a musical/action formula, similar to the format of the "singing cowboy" films of the era.