Watershed (image processing)

In the study of image processing, a watershed is a transformation defined on a grayscale image. The name refers metaphorically to a geological watershed, or drainage divide, which separates adjacent drainage basins. The watershed transformation treats the image it operates upon like a topographic map, with the brightness of each point representing its height, and finds the lines that run along the tops of ridges. * Relief of the gradient magnitude * Gradient magnitude image * Watershed of the gradient * Watershed of the gradient (relief)

Watershed (image processing)

In the study of image processing, a watershed is a transformation defined on a grayscale image. The name refers metaphorically to a geological watershed, or drainage divide, which separates adjacent drainage basins. The watershed transformation treats the image it operates upon like a topographic map, with the brightness of each point representing its height, and finds the lines that run along the tops of ridges. * Relief of the gradient magnitude * Gradient magnitude image * Watershed of the gradient * Watershed of the gradient (relief)