Descendants of Charles III of Spain

The descendants of Charles III of Spain, the third surviving son of the first Bourbon King of Spain are many. Growing up in Madrid till he was 16, he was sent to the Italian Sovereign Duchy of Parma and Piacenza which, through his mother Elisabeth of Parma, was considered his birthright. Charles married only once; he married the cultured Princess Maria Amalia of Saxony with whom he had 13 children with; 8 of these reached adulthood and a further 4 of them had issue.

Descendants of Charles III of Spain

The descendants of Charles III of Spain, the third surviving son of the first Bourbon King of Spain are many. Growing up in Madrid till he was 16, he was sent to the Italian Sovereign Duchy of Parma and Piacenza which, through his mother Elisabeth of Parma, was considered his birthright. Charles married only once; he married the cultured Princess Maria Amalia of Saxony with whom he had 13 children with; 8 of these reached adulthood and a further 4 of them had issue.