
Firewatch is a first-person adventure game developed by Campo Santo, who also published it in a joint venture with Panic. The story follows a Shoshone National Forest fire lookout named Henry in 1989, following the Yellowstone fires of 1988. A month after his first day at work, strange things begin happening to both him and his supervisor Delilah, which connects to a conspired mystery that happened years ago. Henry interacts with Delilah using a walkie-talkie, choosing from dialog options to communicate. His exchanges with Delilah inform the process by which their relationship is developed.


Firewatch is a first-person adventure game developed by Campo Santo, who also published it in a joint venture with Panic. The story follows a Shoshone National Forest fire lookout named Henry in 1989, following the Yellowstone fires of 1988. A month after his first day at work, strange things begin happening to both him and his supervisor Delilah, which connects to a conspired mystery that happened years ago. Henry interacts with Delilah using a walkie-talkie, choosing from dialog options to communicate. His exchanges with Delilah inform the process by which their relationship is developed.