
Tasword is a word processor for the ZX Spectrum developed by Tasman Software. The first version was released in 1982 and spawned two major revisions in addition to several add-ons and, later, tailored versions for the +2 and +3 Spectrum models, the SAM Coupé, the MSX, the Timex TC2068 and the Amstrad CPC range. Many of the features of modern word processors were included, such as justification, word wrap and page header. Features such as bold text and italic type were achieved through sending special escape sequences to a printer.


Tasword is a word processor for the ZX Spectrum developed by Tasman Software. The first version was released in 1982 and spawned two major revisions in addition to several add-ons and, later, tailored versions for the +2 and +3 Spectrum models, the SAM Coupé, the MSX, the Timex TC2068 and the Amstrad CPC range. Many of the features of modern word processors were included, such as justification, word wrap and page header. Features such as bold text and italic type were achieved through sending special escape sequences to a printer.