An Untold Story

"An Untold Story" is the twenty-third episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on May 15, 2016. The episode served as part 2 of the 2-part fifth-season finale, with the first part being "Only You". In this episode, Henry, Violet, Emma, Regina, and Mr. Gold work together to bring Snow, David, Hook and Zelena back from the Land of Untold Stories. Near the end, Regina takes the Evil Queen out of her, and Mr. Hyde arrives in Storybrooke.

An Untold Story

"An Untold Story" is the twenty-third episode of the fifth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on May 15, 2016. The episode served as part 2 of the 2-part fifth-season finale, with the first part being "Only You". In this episode, Henry, Violet, Emma, Regina, and Mr. Gold work together to bring Snow, David, Hook and Zelena back from the Land of Untold Stories. Near the end, Regina takes the Evil Queen out of her, and Mr. Hyde arrives in Storybrooke.