Bernard de Wisk

Bernard de Wisk was a mercenary captain and sometime brigand of the Hundred Years War. Wisk started out a mercenary. However, after the Treaty of Brétigny was signed on 8 May 1360, Wisk found himself unemployed and so turned to Brigandry. that ranged the French country side pillaging towns. In 1369, with Bernardon and , he seized Belleperche Castle, home to Isabella of Valois, Duchess of Bourbon, mother-in-law of the king, Charles V of France and demanded a ransom. The Duchess remained a prisoner until 1372, when the king arranged for the ransom to be paid.

Bernard de Wisk

Bernard de Wisk was a mercenary captain and sometime brigand of the Hundred Years War. Wisk started out a mercenary. However, after the Treaty of Brétigny was signed on 8 May 1360, Wisk found himself unemployed and so turned to Brigandry. that ranged the French country side pillaging towns. In 1369, with Bernardon and , he seized Belleperche Castle, home to Isabella of Valois, Duchess of Bourbon, mother-in-law of the king, Charles V of France and demanded a ransom. The Duchess remained a prisoner until 1372, when the king arranged for the ransom to be paid.