Bernard de la Salle

Bernard de la Salle, was a French mercenary captain during the Hundred Years War.His story is mentioned in the Chronicles of Froissart At the beginning of his career, in 1359, Bernard de la Salle, also known as Bernardon de la Salle, was in the service of Jean de Grailly Captal de Buch. On Monday 18 November 1359 he climbed the castle of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis with steel grabs. However, after the Treaty of Brétigny (1360) He and his men found themselves unemployed and so become one of the 30 or so, so-called Tard-Venus bandits. that ranged the French country side pillaging towns.

Bernard de la Salle

Bernard de la Salle, was a French mercenary captain during the Hundred Years War.His story is mentioned in the Chronicles of Froissart At the beginning of his career, in 1359, Bernard de la Salle, also known as Bernardon de la Salle, was in the service of Jean de Grailly Captal de Buch. On Monday 18 November 1359 he climbed the castle of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis with steel grabs. However, after the Treaty of Brétigny (1360) He and his men found themselves unemployed and so become one of the 30 or so, so-called Tard-Venus bandits. that ranged the French country side pillaging towns.