Caeso Fabius Vibulanus (consul)

Caeso Fabius Vibulanus was consul of the Roman republic in 484, 481, and 479 BC. He had earlier held the office of quaestor parricidii in 485 BC in connection with the trial and execution of Spurius Cassius Viscellinus. For a seven year period from 485 to 478 BC, one of the two consuls was a member of the gens Fabia, a domination of the office Gary Forsythe describes as "unparalleled in the consular fasti of the Roman Republic." His brothers were Quintus (consul in 485 and 482 BC) and Marcus (consul in 483 and 480 BC).

Caeso Fabius Vibulanus (consul)

Caeso Fabius Vibulanus was consul of the Roman republic in 484, 481, and 479 BC. He had earlier held the office of quaestor parricidii in 485 BC in connection with the trial and execution of Spurius Cassius Viscellinus. For a seven year period from 485 to 478 BC, one of the two consuls was a member of the gens Fabia, a domination of the office Gary Forsythe describes as "unparalleled in the consular fasti of the Roman Republic." His brothers were Quintus (consul in 485 and 482 BC) and Marcus (consul in 483 and 480 BC).