Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus

Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus (died 463 BC), was consul of the Roman Republic in 479 BC. He held the office with Caeso Fabius Vibulanus. According to Livy, he was assigned the war with the Veientes, but because of his temerity his army was almost cut off, saved only by his colleague Fabius, marching from fighting the Aequi. At an unknown point in his career he was elected to the priesthood of the augurs. Verginius died in 463 BC during a pestilence that claimed, among others, both the consuls for that year.

Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus

Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus (died 463 BC), was consul of the Roman Republic in 479 BC. He held the office with Caeso Fabius Vibulanus. According to Livy, he was assigned the war with the Veientes, but because of his temerity his army was almost cut off, saved only by his colleague Fabius, marching from fighting the Aequi. At an unknown point in his career he was elected to the priesthood of the augurs. Verginius died in 463 BC during a pestilence that claimed, among others, both the consuls for that year.