Circus Capers

Circus Capers is a 1930 animated short film made by The Van Beuren Corporation and distributed by Pathé. The film, which featured the characters Milton & Rita, is part of the early sound cartoon series entitled Aesop's Sound Fables, though it is not based on an Aesop fable. Released on September 28, 1930, it was one of the last cartoons to feature Milton & Rita before Van Beuren was sued by Disney to their similarity to Mickey and Minnie in 1931.

Circus Capers

Circus Capers is a 1930 animated short film made by The Van Beuren Corporation and distributed by Pathé. The film, which featured the characters Milton & Rita, is part of the early sound cartoon series entitled Aesop's Sound Fables, though it is not based on an Aesop fable. Released on September 28, 1930, it was one of the last cartoons to feature Milton & Rita before Van Beuren was sued by Disney to their similarity to Mickey and Minnie in 1931.