College Capers

College Capers is a 1931 animated short film produced by The Van Beuren Corporation and released by the film distributor Pathé. The film, directed by John Foster and Harry Bailey, features the doings of a plethora of animals at college. The name of the cartoon means that the events in the cartoon represent mischief, as the informal meaning of Caper is "an ridiculous activity". Released on March 15, 1931, the cartoon is part of the early sound series entitled Aesop's Sound Fables. However, despite being in the series. The film is not based on an actual Aesop fable.

College Capers

College Capers is a 1931 animated short film produced by The Van Beuren Corporation and released by the film distributor Pathé. The film, directed by John Foster and Harry Bailey, features the doings of a plethora of animals at college. The name of the cartoon means that the events in the cartoon represent mischief, as the informal meaning of Caper is "an ridiculous activity". Released on March 15, 1931, the cartoon is part of the early sound series entitled Aesop's Sound Fables. However, despite being in the series. The film is not based on an actual Aesop fable.