Criminal IQ Records

Criminal IQ Records is an independent record label based in Chicago, Illinois, founded by (co-founder of Ruthless Records (Chicago)) and to facilitate the releases from Chicago's no-wave/punk scene circa 2003 to present. Most notably, garage pop punk band M.O.T.O.'s LP the S/T LP and dark wave psyche punk band 's LP. In 2006 Criminal IQ broke out of its Chicago-only policy and released singles by Texas Hardcore band , Milwaukee's , , and Portuguese punk band .

Criminal IQ Records

Criminal IQ Records is an independent record label based in Chicago, Illinois, founded by (co-founder of Ruthless Records (Chicago)) and to facilitate the releases from Chicago's no-wave/punk scene circa 2003 to present. Most notably, garage pop punk band M.O.T.O.'s LP the S/T LP and dark wave psyche punk band 's LP. In 2006 Criminal IQ broke out of its Chicago-only policy and released singles by Texas Hardcore band , Milwaukee's , , and Portuguese punk band .