Dark Rising

Dark Rising is a sword and sorcery adult-oriented franchise of two made-for-television films, a twelve episode television series and a five-episode television series, from the husband and wife team of Andrew Cymek and Brigitte Kingsley. The franchise is written by creator Cymek, produced by Kingsley and adapted for film and television by executive producer Mihkel Harilaid. The original film in the series, Dark Rising: Bring Your Battle Axe (2007), introduced lead character Summer Vale, played by Kingsley through the entire series of films.

Dark Rising

Dark Rising is a sword and sorcery adult-oriented franchise of two made-for-television films, a twelve episode television series and a five-episode television series, from the husband and wife team of Andrew Cymek and Brigitte Kingsley. The franchise is written by creator Cymek, produced by Kingsley and adapted for film and television by executive producer Mihkel Harilaid. The original film in the series, Dark Rising: Bring Your Battle Axe (2007), introduced lead character Summer Vale, played by Kingsley through the entire series of films.