Estate of Takil-ana-ilīšu kudurru

The estate of Takil-ana-ilīšu kudurru is an ancient Mesopotamian white limestone narû, or entitlement stela, dating from the latter part of the Kassite era which gives a history of the litigation concerning a contested inheritance over three generations or more than forty years. It describes a patrimonial redemption, or "lineage claim," and provides a great deal of information concerning inheritance during the late Bronze Age. It is identified by its colophon, asumittu annītu garbarê šalati kanīk dīnim, “this stela is a copy of three sealed documents with (royal) edicts” and records the legal judgments made in three successive reigns of the kings, Adad-šuma-iddina (ca. 1222–1217 BC), Adad-šuma-uṣur (ca. 1216–1187 BC) and Meli-Šipak (ca. 1186–1172 BC). It is a contemporary text which confir

Estate of Takil-ana-ilīšu kudurru

The estate of Takil-ana-ilīšu kudurru is an ancient Mesopotamian white limestone narû, or entitlement stela, dating from the latter part of the Kassite era which gives a history of the litigation concerning a contested inheritance over three generations or more than forty years. It describes a patrimonial redemption, or "lineage claim," and provides a great deal of information concerning inheritance during the late Bronze Age. It is identified by its colophon, asumittu annītu garbarê šalati kanīk dīnim, “this stela is a copy of three sealed documents with (royal) edicts” and records the legal judgments made in three successive reigns of the kings, Adad-šuma-iddina (ca. 1222–1217 BC), Adad-šuma-uṣur (ca. 1216–1187 BC) and Meli-Šipak (ca. 1186–1172 BC). It is a contemporary text which confir